I offer private one-on-one coaching to restaurant owners. This is different from consulting. In the consulting model, the client pays for a body of work to be completed by the consultant. When the project is completed the consultant leaves. THIS OLD CONSULTANT MODEL DOES NOT PRODUCE SUCCESS. This old model is visualized by watching shows like RESTAURANT UNSTOPPABLE, BAR RESCUE, etc. The reality is the restaurant failure rate of restaurants on these shows is about 80%. This old model of “giving a man a fish” just isn’t sustainable. Instead, like a personal trainer, I give you the tools to help you crush success and then come along side of you to help you implement the mindset to not just survive but thrive long term. SCHEDULE A COMPLIMENTARY 30 MINUTE CALL TO SEE HOW YOU MIGHT WORK WITH ME
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RSC Elite Group Coaching Program
RSC Elite Group Coaching is a in depth dive into every aspect of your business including your People, Processes, Product, Purchases, and Profit in an interactive group setting with me and a small group of other highly successful restaurant owners. This group is for restaurant owners who are serious about scaling by working ON their business instead of IN it!

Are you a restaurant owner/CEO in need of additional training for your Management Team? Do you need Key-Note Speakers and/or experts to teach sessions for your conference? You can book me for Key Note Speaking, conference teaching sessions, or full day Master Classes on the following very important topics:

Shift Happens- 7 New Strategies to Help Your Restaurant Crush It!
High Performance Culture – Attracting and Retaining High Performance Players
Human Connection – Reviving Hospitality in the Digital World